Thursday, December 31, 2009
~~```~~~Happy New Year !!! ~~```~~~

Wednesday, December 30, 2009
A Cross Stitch Finish
Monday, December 28, 2009
Back In The Groove
Sunday, December 27, 2009
After Christmas....
Not a good picture. My tree started leaning toward the front away from the wall. I think it was because Rebel ( baby girl cocker spaniel) was getting behind it and going underneath to rub her back under the branches.. lol It did not have a tree skirt under it this year.. It did to begin with but again... before presents went under the tree, Rebel drug it out from under tree and made herself a bed.. I didn't tie the skirt together.. My fault. lol I didn't have the heart to take it away from her. She has taken it over now.. I will have it get a a small blanket to lay on, and try and get the tree skirt away from her.. Since she was groomed, she was been so cold.. She will get in front of the heater with her sweater on and almost catch herself on fire. I have to keep an eye on her. I will try and get a picture of her, in her sweater tomorrow. She loves them. Till Later...
Friday, December 25, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Final Christmas Memory !!!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Christmas Family Get-Together
Tonya and her guys... Dalton ( almost 3) and Zane ( 7) Could not get a picture of Darcy, she was running around with my niece Hannah. They are both 9 . WE had a great time.
No memory for today. This night will be a good memory...
Monday, December 21, 2009
Memory #7 - Chicken Pox & Diabetes
Raeanne has had 2 bad Christmases while young. My memories for today. 1st up... Chicken Pox at Christmas the year Santa brought her a bike... I have a picture somewhere .. Her posing with her bike with calamine dots all on top of her all over breakout. Didn't make it to of the family get togethers. Mom, Dad & Trey came over on Christmas to see what Santa brought. Raeanne could not even ride her new bike..Memory 2... Raeanne's 12th Christmas Holiday. She went shopping with Mom & her sisters.. Aunt Debbi said she kept wanting something to drink every 20 minutes..
She had they don't know how many Big Gulps. I was working one day and called to check in home on her. She answered and was incoherent. I left took her to the doctor. They admitted her that night into the Hospital. Diabetes... Didn't see that coming. She was in the hospital the week right before Christmas Day. She has had Diabetes for 16 years now and through pregnancy's with Beautiful Grandchildren. This last with Zoe a ruff Pregnancy. I want to share many more Christmases with my family..
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Memory # 6 - Moccasins

Love and miss you very much....
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Christmas Memory #5 - Favorite Song

Friday, December 18, 2009
Memory # 4 - First Christmas Tree

Thursday, December 17, 2009
Memory #3 Christmas Claymation Shows

Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Christmas Memory # 2 - Elfie
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Barbie and Christmas Memories

Now... Malibu Barbie and Malibu PJ are from the 70's. I didn't think they did collagen injections in the lips back then... Maybe I am wrong. Check those lips out... lol

But... I do have my Zoe to lavish all this Barbie love on. Is it to soon to buy a Barbie Dream house for a 3 month old little girl??? lol I never got one... In my days... (Boy, I sound old)... We didn't get a new Barbie every time we went to Walmart. We only got them at Christmas & Birthdays. Made them very special. Zoe Baby, Gigi will get you the new 2014 Groovy Barbie Camper !!!! Just hang Tight till then !!!! lol
I used to take My Barbies in that great Plastic Case ( Loved that new plastic smell) to my Cousin Andrea's house. She is 3 years older and had great Barbies. We would swap heads with different bodies. Always had a great time with her. Well, I had bored ya'll enough. Just me having great Christmas memories. I am going to try and remember a great memory each day till Christmas. Please try it too.
By the way... ONE LAST PICTURE

A Boy And A Leg Lamp
Monday, December 14, 2009
Mother, You were right !!!!
She can now say " I told you so" !!! about going to the doctor last week. SHE WAS RIGHT !!! I should have went. Love you mom and you know best.. There... That was easy... 4 weeks with this sickness is driving me crazy. No energy to do anything.. I have loaded dishes in the dishwasher this am.. Oh,,, it is 12:30 am now... I can't seem to sleep again. I slept all day. I did start on the cough syrup again. I went and got a measuring spoon, to make sure I only took 1 tsp.... LOL No More Trips for me.
We went to see our great friends in White Plains Saturday.Hello Debra!!! Loved being with you and Wayne !!! We always have the best time . Of Course I was coughing and Debra had been sick too. Same thing.. We sounded like two 900 Call # Husky Voice telephone girls. LOL We were laughing about our hoarse Voices.. HELLOoooo. this is Destiny... I need your credit card #. LOL Had a great time.
This is a cute picture of Josh & Zoe. Zoe is no longer wearing her leg braces. As you can see in the picture she is kicking and moving those arms... lol I say she loves to dance. Josh is looking at her showing off. Those are my grand babies !!! Little show off and big Ham it up. lol I got to tell ya'll this... Don't tell Joshua's dad.... hehehe I bought Zoe some little hair bows that Velcro.... Well... hehehe. He loves the light blue with Polka dots... He tries wearing it all the time.... LOL Till Later....
Thursday, December 10, 2009
I Feel Good !!!
Well time to get ready for Santa Time !!! Yeah !!!!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
If We Make It Throught December.
I did start cleaning out front bedroom around 10:00 last night... Oh by the way it is 1:45 am, now on Wed. morning... Lord, I need a job... At least I would have normal sleeping hours. My sleep is all messed up from being sick and sleeping all day. I am much better Thank You.... Tomorrow.. Oops... I mean Today.. I need to bust my hump to get stuff organized and go get the Christmas stuff out of shed and start decorating !!! Joshua has his house all decorated Inside & out.. CUTE.. He is all about Christmas this year... and LIGHTS... Lots of LIGHTS... Well, I guess I better try to go to sleep... Mom will call first thing , to see if she can come and get the tree up... LOL... Love you MOM !!!! Good Nite.. or Morning...
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Tripping & No More Cough Syrup !

Hubby decided we could go and do some Christmas shopping Tonight... It was great not many people out shopping. I got about all, but 4 people left on my list..
I am working on some stitching, but not for Christmas presents.. I have pulled the Heirloom Afghan out to work on. I am feeling better and need to get back stitching on it. I don't think it will be finished before Christmas... Maybe After New Year...
Well it is 12:23 am on Tuesday morning.. Coughing but not Tripping ....
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Day ???? OF Sickness !!!
No unpacking.... No Stitching.... No Cooking... No Christmas Decorating....
Doctor said Pneumonia... I say Pneumonia, Swine Flu, Cold, Regular Flu, and anything thing else Sick... How long does Pneumonia last... 2 weeks???? Well cough syrup is kicking in... I start to see double and hear stuff........ hummmmmm
Monday, November 30, 2009
Some Pictures of Home !!!!
As you can see in this picture... Still getting stuff out of tubs and have step stools laying around. I have not hung many pictures. The picture in my Dinning Area is my favorite.
I will post more later.... Joshua and Zoe just came over to visit !!!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Still Hacking And It Isn't On A Computer Site !
I have not stitched much since I am still moving stuff. Unloaded about the 8th trip in the Tahoe just awhile ago.. I was up all night.. I have my bed... It is just in a different location... LOL Can't sleep... I played solitaire from about 3:00 am to 6:00 on the laptop this morning. Went to sleep at 7:00 ... Woke up at 10:30.. I am tired.
Tomorrow I will be trying to clean out sun porch and get it ready for the Christmas tree. Not any room in the living area.. Mom's house is looking festive when we went by there earlier. She had wreaths on the windows and greens on the banisters, on the front porch and down her steps at the road. No will ever see my place so, I don't decorate outside. I did when Raeanne was little. I just thought.... WOW... I do have a cedar tree about 7 feet tall in the front yard.. I can put lights on it. Joshua would like that.. I will hint to him to ask Poppa about getting him some lights for OUR tree.. That way poppa will have to do the light display and exterior lumination. Sounds like a plan.... That can be our this coming weekend project... Besides all the other stuff not finished around here. LOL Ya'll have a good nite !!!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving !!!
I Love You MOM !!!!!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Have I Moved Or Have I Moved ???
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Still Moving !!!
Have done some stitching at night... There is this 16 year old afghan ... This is a long story... LOL. My mom's best friend wanted me to stitch this afghan for her first grand daughter. She gave it to me before she was to be born. At the time, I worked retail.. Well... It did not get finished before GD was born. I have had it for over 16 years now. I do work on it from time to time. I am almost 2/3's finished. It has became somewhat of a sad question... Mom's BF always comments that: will this thing get finished before it becomes a Family Heirloom? I have said between this move and Christmas I am trying very hard to get it finished. That is all I can say and Do... Please send prayer for me to stitch this thing with lightening fingers. Also... Not to have a nervous breakdown in the process... Oh... We also bought a new front door, that will need to be installed.... I am rambling on....
DH has me going to pick up a TV swivel mount for the flat screen today. I am attending a funeral today too. Chip's ( SIL) grandfather passed away this past Friday. His body is flying in on Delta for funeral today. Please pray for family...
Well, I need to go get ready... Till later... if sane... LOL
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Almost In New Home !!! YEAH !!!!
We scrubbed from front to back. She did our bath and bedroom. She shut the door when she finished those rooms and said " Do not mess it up". We don't even have the furniture moved yet... I will take pictures when I have it staged for picture taking..
While this was going on... DD, Raeanne was in my other kitchen.. Packing me up to move. At least she checked all my spices for expiration dates... LOL I now have about a dozen boxes to move tomorrow. That is just 1/2 of my kitchen stuff.. I think I better go through all those boxes and get rid of some things.. Anyone need any kitchen stuff ? See ya !!!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Friday The 13th
Nothing else going on here.... I will be going over and working on other home later..
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Sailing Home & Sarah Hartley 1827
I am going to start tomorrow the chart from: Historic Stitches - Sarah Hartley 1827 Sampler. I tea-dyed my own linen. I am going to used called for DMC except for the dark green in border. I changed that one color. Here is my supplies for the start:
Historic Stitches - Sarah Hartley 1827 Sampler
It rained here for 2 days. Joshua and his mom went to Wal-mart. He left wearing his rubber boots. I told him when they get back he can play out in the yard and his feet won't get wet. He liked that idea.
Nothing else going on here in Alabama. I do have some pics of WIPS, Hope I don't bore anyone:
Memorial Sampler - Midsummer Night
Stitching as memorial for my dad whom has passed on.
To0 Much Housework - Lizzie Kate Designs
Saying is: Too Much Housework Will Make You Croak !
Magic Bus - The Sitcherhood Designs.
Almost finished...
Well... That is all for today.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Another Room With Carpet
DH and I awoke this morning and headed of to the work site.. lol I cleaned some and moved stuff out of the front bedroom. I laid tack strips down and put tile in closet. Then DH came in a helped with putting the padding down and we cut carpet to fit. Oh... I did something stupid. I fell in the vent of the central air. lol. We had the padding down and I knew where the vent was.. I thought... Well... I stepped right into it with my size 8's. Scrapped my leg and put a big bruise on the side of my leg. DH said not to help him anymore. He said, I was making more work for him. LOL He had to go back under the floor and put the duct work back up to the floor. Well at least, we have the carpet in the floor, waiting to be stretched. That is a job for tomorrow.
Cross Stitch news..... I have been working on Joshua's Birth Sampler... He is what? 2 years old. It is the chart from Blackbird Designs, Sailing Home.. Cute and in muted colors of blue, beige, & brown. When I finish it, I will start on Zoe's Sampler. It is also by Blackbird Design, the match to the boy's sampler.
I am dead dog tired. have a great nite.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
New Carpet !!!
I am getting yard sale stuff ready for on big sale this weekend. Mom, Aunt Judy, Raeanne and I are getting rid of stuff. We are having it at Raeanne's house. I should be putting it in my car now, But I am on here. Guess I better go for now.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
NEW Cross Stitch !!!!
This chart is from Carriage House Samplings. Called The Curse Of The Raven. I have order all threads and cannot find the 40 Count Camofudge linen anywhere... If anyone can help me locate? I tried my On-line shop and she said , can order ( from Austr.) but does not know how long it will take to get to her. Please let me know if you have a America source. Thanks.
This chart is from The Goode Huswife. Called Raven's Roost. See what I mean about all these tombstone charts. I will have to stitch them all.
There is not that much Christmas Charts out there. I did order 2 older ones.
Only 2 Christmas Charts. I had been looking for the M Design - Christmas Catastrophe for a while now. I also am looking the the Halloween one too. I will make pillows out of this one. The other chart is a Carriage House Samplings - 1999 Christmas Sampler.
I also purchased the Book ( pages with punched holes for you to put in a notebook) The Flat-Fold and Friends Pages. Gives directions for : Stand-ups, Boxes, Heavy Weights, Ornaments, and flat-folds. I already have it in a Binder. Maybe I can find time to finish all these projects.
Have a great November 1st!!!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Halloween !!!
I did get my Burnt Orange thread for my headless turkey today. I may finish stitching it before we head out. Thanks, Ranae for offering to send me some. Very thoughtful.
Cross stitchers the best ! Take care and have a safe Halloween !
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Extreme Mobile Home Makeover Progress
Bath Vanity
More of Bath
Master Bedroom.
I tried to get a picture of the fake fireplace. Jerry made that. He was so talented. I think I will put a small tray or sugar mold with candles in the inside. Don't laugh at the pinkish-purple shelf.. It does hold all our caulk,light bulbs,hammers,nail guns, and electrical & plumbing supplies. The thingie.. ? the bucket is sitting on was my birthday present 2 years ago. I finally got to use it !!!
Dinning Area
I don't call it a dinning Room. No enough room.. lol I am standing out through door in glassed room. Hard to get any clear pic of this room. to small. Behind those white doors will be the washer & dryer. OH Great!!! We can get out unmentionables right off of the eating table... Everyone knows I hate to do laundry. We dig out of the dryer and baskets as it is now.. lol
This is the kitchen, still a work in progress. New blacksplash, new stovetop, new countertops, NO New Dishwasher... urghhh. or Refrig .. urghh
I will use what I have. Money has ran out. Good thing we had purchased carpet and outside siding. I have a sprayer on the sink !!! Oh Goodie !!! Never had one.
Just 3 rooms left.......... Come on.................
This is the Livingroom. If your can't tell that it is.. I wonder why??? Let see.. 1 door, I have no idea where it goes. we have to many door for the door jams....lol You know how it is when you have parts left over after putting something together??? That is this project. Rolls of carpet and pads to put it all down with.... Lets see... Stained boards that I need to cut and install around the window. I don't need DT for that.. Can handle it myself. I am a pro at window trim... Let's see which angle do I need to cut that end 45 or 90??? lol
MY Computer & Craft Room !!! TA DA. I know it is a mess. I'm sure it will be this way when it is finished. That stuff is all MY TOOLS... Dewayne keeps going in here and getting my stuff. I even have a carpenter's belt I wear. I always wanting to wear daddy's, I have it. But He was a size 30 waist... and daughter here... it will not fit... urhhh. So DT bought me a new one of my very own.. It does come in handy. Where is my hammer??? OH, it is here hanging in the hoop on the side of my belt... Yeah!!! Lesson 101 in carpenter belts. You still caught yourself looking around for your tools. That great mirror, I am going to redo to go in MY Bath. maybe run some stain over it's whitewash. Well I need to get back to stitching .