Wednesday, December 9, 2009

If We Make It Throught December.

Yes, That is a Merle Haggard Song.. I didn't know till last night that it was a song he sang for Christmas Time. Oh Well... If We Make It Through December is stuck in my head now... We did some more Christmas Shopping. Not to have any money for sure.... The Lord is providing this year. I need to start seriously looking for a job. But... I so like staying at home !!! LOL Got Dear Brother his gift tonight. Have just Mom, Hannah, and Raeanne & Chip left to buy for. I think I am doing pretty good.. Considering... Mom asking everyday does she need to come help me put up my tree.. LOL This is the first year our Tree has not been up the weekend of Thanksgiving. I am still digging out of boxes and totes... I am determined to get it all together this weekend.. Rained today all day... Didn't get much done. Went down and visited Joshua and Zoe.
I did start cleaning out front bedroom around 10:00 last night... Oh by the way it is 1:45 am, now on Wed. morning... Lord, I need a job... At least I would have normal sleeping hours. My sleep is all messed up from being sick and sleeping all day. I am much better Thank You.... Tomorrow.. Oops... I mean Today.. I need to bust my hump to get stuff organized and go get the Christmas stuff out of shed and start decorating !!! Joshua has his house all decorated Inside & out.. CUTE.. He is all about Christmas this year... and LIGHTS... Lots of LIGHTS... Well, I guess I better try to go to sleep... Mom will call first thing , to see if she can come and get the tree up... LOL... Love you MOM !!!! Good Nite.. or Morning...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you are feeling better April Michelle! Don't feel too bad about not decorating yet; I only just got my tree and lights up too!

And thank yo for the nice comment on my blog!
