Sunday, January 31, 2010
I Am A Sorry Person !!!
Yesterday I don't remember what I did. I know I took a nap at some point. Today, I woke up with energy.. Yes, you heard me correct... Mom came by after church. Raeanne was here with the kids... After they all left, I got out on the back porch and started getting Christmas stuff ready to put out in the out building.. Well, I went out there and something... Raccoon or something has been living out there. Poop everywhere. I cleaned some and then headed back over to Raeanne's house. Glad it is just across the road. I rode the lawnmower.. LOL I am Lazy... After about 3 or 4 trips back across to our house, I am glad I had that lawnmower. Josh wanted to ride. He did get some sun shine Meme!!! Mom is always saying he needs to get outside when the sun is shinning.. It was a little cool but not cold. He had on his rubber boots and coat with a hood. He was outside for about 3 hours. We burned a stump in their front yard and he helped me collect sticks to put on the fire. We were worried he would fall in the fire trying to put the stick on top... But No.... Gigi ( Me) reach down and pick up a HOT stick... No, I am not dumb !!! Just stupid sometimes... That ended my playing in the fire... Poppa and Josh worked on the garden tractor. Gas tank was full of Water. They had to drain and try to get it to Crank. Raeanne had went to pick up some KFC.. Chicken... Josh was so hungry he started cramming the chicken in his mouth. Sucking down the ranch sauce right out of the cup... You can imagine what we all smelled like.. Wood smoke, mixed with Gasoline, mixed with KFC, and Josh smelling like Ranch dressing. A very tiring day, but fun.
I did stitch some last night of my Halloween ornaments. I will post picture tomorrow. I am going for a goal of 1 a month to finish before Halloween 2010. I have a black Beaded and glittered tree to hang them on. I bought it last Halloween from Home Goods Store. I did find my white Lizzie Kate Feather Tree. I need to get started on ornaments to go on it. I will post picture of my trees tomorrow. I need to get me a shower and head to bed to stitch some... Stay tuned for pictures tomorrow.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Maytag Mayham !!!
My week will be better !!! My week will be better !!!
Where have I been, You ask?

Friday, January 22, 2010
Had A Party !!!!
This is just some of the party residue left over. That is Zoe in the background.. She likes to sit in her bouncer and watch us play. She just laughs and talks.. She thinks she is playing right along with us. lol
By this time, Party Man had about partied OUT !!! lol He was so tired. He and mom went to get us pizza and he fell asleep in the car. His mom yesterday hit her finger with a hammer and it swelled up and turned all kind of colors. I watched them while she went to the doctor, They x-rayed and said she fractured it. She is wearing a metal splint. Of Course it is her good Bird Finger... So now drivers will see it better when she hangs it out the window to them !!! Which is always on Hwy 280 !!! So if you happened to see a women flying in a truck and see a Metal Bird Finger showing itself to you out a window... It Is HER !!! lol
Some more Pictures of babies after Poppa got home and took over for me !!! Thank you poppa !!!
She is a wanting that finger... She is teething bad... But, No says Poppa...
Well, time to tune out and go to sleep. maybe.....
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Some Stitching Today !!!

Monday, January 18, 2010
Play Day !!!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Not Much Going On !!!
I have done absolutely nothing today. I am on antibiotics again, this time for the tooth. I went to sleep at around 11:00 last night slept till 9:00 got up ate breakfast went back to bed... Woke up around 3:00 and have been up since. Well, time to fix something to eat... Turn in later for a Nothing to do update.. lol.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
The Winkle Fairy !!!
Hey Everyone !!! This is me getting ready yesterday morning. Now before I start this. I will be 45 in May of this year. Yep.... I also have the luck of having the bad skin of our Duncan family gene. Well I started putting on my makeup... you know fill in all those creases and landfills with that putty stuff that is suppose to match your skin tone, but doesn't... This was after I put moisturizer all over my face. about a gallon.. LOL I am used to doing that all the time. Well.... I then started with the eye shadow... Now remember I have not worked ( outside the home) since February 2009... and I have been sick, with no reason to wear makeup, in about 2 months... Well.. I go and start with highlighter at the top over eye lid and under my Brow,,, My brow is going away for some reason and I am having to pencil me a brow.... LOL That is another story... That highlighter goes on great... Then I go for eyeshadow in the middle of my eye lid.. Well I started going across real slow.. the brush started going over things, like speed bumps... WINKLES !!! urghhh. I couldn't even get the eye shadow to go on smooth. Looked like I had lines running downward... OMG.. What is going on ??? Has this came on all of a sudden? What Happened? Then... I look in the mirror.. My whole eye lid has been swallowed by the eye socket !!! Oh Please.. Now what do I do...Do I just put eyeshadow on the top near bottom of my brow.. That is the only part of my lid you can see!!!! Is that even a part of your eyelid??? I can't wear brown shadow up there, can I??? I didn't think so...Even though we did wear bright green and blue in the seventies !!! LOL When did The winkle Fairy leave me this wonderful gift of age? Whenever it was, I didn't even see this coming !!! I can live with the winkles beside my mouth, Those are my smile winkles...LOL And I can almost live with the double chin.. It is loose skin.. ( I can tell myself that, if I want too) But having absolutely NO Eyelids.... I don't know... I love to paint up my face !!! You can stop laughing now !!!
Anyway, I finished painting on my face and dried my hair.. Oh, I did cut on my hair myself... It was bugging me. Put on Dress clothes ( go to work clothes) and this is final picture.
Well, I will be 45 in May... If you see that winkle fairy around you, Kill her for me !!!
PS... Please excuse all Freckles in first picture. They are freckles aren't they? Please don't tell me they are AGE SPOTS !!! Just shot me NOW !!!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Cross Stitch Post !!!!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Mad TV- Lorraine and the Hot Tub
Hope Ya'll enjoy this !! I have been bored today, can't you tell !!
I Love Lorraine !!
Saturday, January 9, 2010
March 5th 2010
I love me some Johnny. I love all the Pirates Movies. Hope this one is good. Looks like it will be funny too. I don't know with Tim Burton as director.. It is also a Walt Disney Picture.. Here is a trailer to watch : What do ya'll think???
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Another Doctor Visit and Nothing More
With being sick since we moved in, I told Hubby last night I think this place is Haunted... I have been sick since we moved in... LOL Dewayne just laughed at me me and said. " I am not moving, Period." This was after he had been outside for 3 hours trying to unfreeze water pipes and has been trying to unfreeze since Monday.
Now... I didn't say anything about moving... I didn't even mention that if it starting icing or snowing, Me , Raeanne and babies is headed South to Childersburg. ( my mom's house) We both are total electric.. Mom has gas logs and Heat . LOL
So if no ones hears from me for a couple of days I have flown South.
Take Care and stay warm !!!