Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Bikini Season Has Come To An End

Monday, September 27, 2010
My Cross Stitch Purses
The pattern is from Lizzie Kate called Scardy Cats. I always get a lot of compliments when I am using the purses.
I love the orange eyelash trim. I made my mom a black bag with purple eyelash trim with Witch Fabric on the inside.
This is my November/Thanksgiving Purse. I start carrying it on Nov 1st.
I think it was a Kit from Heart N Hand from a long time ago. I also have the HNH Deer with button finished . I have never made it into a purses. I have it in my Finishing Pile.
Well... That is my Show & Tell for today. I have stitching to do.
Till Later........
Friday, September 24, 2010
Wally World Visit
This is what his buggy looks like every visit... No, we did not purchase these things.
We then have to try putting back all that stuff, but we are not bad.. We do let him ride and play a game before we leave.. This was all done yesterday. Tonight we were at Wally World again.. I did make it out without going broke in the Game Room. I bought him a red slush drink..
Raeanne had tubes removed surgical from her ears today. While Dr B.. (ears, nose, & throat Dr. ) was in there he removed a tumor. She is in some pain, but says she can now hear HEAR... That is a good sign.... She goes back in to see Dr B Thursday, this coming week. Please say a pray for her and for her pain.
Thank You... Till Later...
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Halloween Snaps
This was a Freebie from years ago. Can't remember designer. I purchased button of the witch on a broom and the frame was used for an old Mill Hill Design, I never finished stitching.
These pillows have been stitched for years. The Don't Bug Me and Bug Off Baby are Lizzie Kate Freebies. I stitched them on 7 count Black . The Pumpkin Fever pillow was a Lizzie Kate Kit. The Spider is a chart from Fanci That. The first thing I ever stitched with Gentle Arts Sampler Threads.
This is perhaps my favorite !!! This was a chart from Hillside Samplings Designs. I purchased it and all the supplies from Deb at Stitches N Things Shop. I still have some of that green chenille slime. I just love the color. I still see this chart sometimes on Ebay.
This is a Favorite too ! By designer - Twisted Threads. Listen Honey.... Series. I had it stitched for a long time. Even had the Mat cut for it.. I happen to be in Wal-Mart one day and spotted this frame on clearance for $3.00. Rest is History... LOL
This is my Black Glitter Tree. Excuse Zoe's high chair. That is The Queen's Chair. LOL I know you can't see them... But there are 2 black mice with those birds. I love them. Tree came from Home Goods Store about 2 years ago. I went in the other day and there Halloween stuff had all been picked over or broken. Nothing I seen I could live without.
That is the end of my little show.... Hope it got everyone in the Halloween Spirit!!!
Till Later.......
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Boo, Floss, & Hangtags
I haven't glued the hang tags together yet.. I need to get back to stitching on the Model for Brenda. I will be watching TV and stitching all afternoon. It is already 96 here at my casa/halloween yard.
Happy Birthday Mom !!!
I love you Momma! I thank the Lord for you each day. I could have lost you to cancer, but The Lord seen that we love and need you to much, to lose that battle. You are a fighter and a strong lady. so... remember you have a daughter that loves you so much! Have a great day !!
PS.. enjoy that new carpet!!!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Still Stitching Away

Sunday, September 19, 2010
New Blog Look !
No... I am thankful. I have my health to get out there and do it!!
Till Later......
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Dairy Queen Cake High
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Update on Sun Porch
Finished A Stitch
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sunday, September 12, 2010
Zoe's Big Weekend
It has been a long weekend, but a fun one. Now... Next weekend is my niece, Hannah Grace's (10) and my mom's birthday is Sept 21th. That makes 4 Birthdays within 3 weeks. Is that just to much cake??? I didn't think so.... LOL
I forgot to mention that Zoe fell asleep during her party. She did open her gifts, but then it was lights out . She took her nap on the fold out Princess Sofa we gave her.
I want to ya'll thanks for visiting my blog. I enjoy writing and putting pictures about my Dull Life... It is not as Dull as it used to be... I wonder why????
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Paradise Lost Chart

Friday, September 10, 2010
I Am Dead Tired !
Birthday Party is tomorrow. Thanks to everyone for wishing Zoe a Happy Birthday! She is 1 today !!! Josh rode the bobcat with his Poppa tonight. He fell asleep while riding... I got him on the lawn mower and took him across the street to his house... just in time for supper..He is as tired as me... lol
Well, I have drank a lot of water and have cooled off somewhat... Time to go, get all this grass and dirt off and hit the bed.. Till later........
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
I GOT THIS !!!!!
Of Course the ornament by Paulette - Plum Street Sampler:
I used to work for Just Cross Stitch Magazine, for about 12 years. I began as a stitcher of the models in the magazine. I did that for about 10 years. It was so fun at times, to see the things I stitched on the front cover. I also stitched a lot of the Disney Kits & Duplicate Sweater leaflets that were released back in the 90's. I also did stitching for the Sampler & Antique Quarterly Magazine and McCall's Needlework Magazine. Then, I started Proofing the graphs. I really liked that. Why? Because I got to see all those great ornaments and stitched pieces before the public. Now.... I am the public. LOL I have to wait like everyone else... I miss working for them. It was so much fun. But, I like stitching for me... No deadlines... LOL
Well.....Tomorrow is our Zoe's 1st Birthday !!! Her party will be Saturday! Can't wait for more cake!!! I will take it easy this time. Easier said then done... I know. But, I will try.....
Till Later....
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
29 Years And Counting
Friday, September 3, 2010
They're Back !!!!!

I love the Green Halloween Dress. They were 40% off. Put them at about $17.00. Can not make them for that price. Back to the leggings...I got side tracked.... I am not a size 6 and never have been. As you can tell by the picture below.... You will not find these thunder thighs in a pair of leggings w/ a big shirt.. They think, I want to wear them, by the ones I've seen in the Women's Size Dept. or in the different Women Size Shops... But No, I Do Not and Will Not Wear Leggings! That said and now...Here is a picture of me & Josh waving Bye.....
Did ya'll notice he was on a Pig this ride.. I suggested this one. Of course, he went to the pretty brown and pink horse with rhinestones again....
Bye Bye ya'll
Till Tomorrow.... ROLL TIDE !!!!