Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Look what I received in the mail !!!  These beautiful goodies came all the way from South Africa. I was amazed at the envelope!  lol
It has all kinds of pretty stamps on it.. I kept it!
My package was from Cucki in South Africa. I love Homespun Elegance and I did not have this one!! She made a hand knitted cup and cupcake! I will always treasure them. She enclosed a letter telling about herself on beautiful stationery. Hand made the pumpkin. I will keep my threaded needle by my side with this pumpkin.  Lovely with note card. She enclosed the cutest little scissors, pumpkin buttons and pretty mint colored linen. The floss she put in was some I had looked at the other day, but I had put back and got some different colors.. She just knew I wanted them... lol  and I can always use needles. I always loose them....
I sent my box out Saturday  to my partner for Dixie Samplar's Exchange. I will post a picture of what I made and sent. 
I've had a busy week so far. Monday, I had to go pay our property tax. Today, I had a dentist appointment. Wednesday, me and mom are going to the nursing home to see my aunt. she is communicating some. Thursday, mom goes to her cancer doctor for a checkup.  Friday maybe... I will have a off day. No time for stitching.
Hubby has been bringing in rose and shrub bushes, they've been digging up around a job site (school). He has been bringing them in by the dump truck loads.. So every night he gets the bobcat out digs trenches, dumps the bushes, we cover them back up. We water and put mulch around them. I have been watering morning and at night to try and save (I call it recycling) these plants. I will try to get a picture tomorrow of my bushes.
Signing off for the night.... Thank you Cucki!!!


Catherine said...

Buys, busy!! Love your goodies!

pam said...

Great harvest exchange. Good you are able to save the roses

Musings from Kim K. said...

What special treasures you have received. They are perfect for you.

Chris said...

What a wonderful package from cucki!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful gift! Hop you manage to save the roses!

dixiesamplar said...

Wow, what a lovely bunch of goodies, April!! Love all of it...so glad everyone seems to be enjoying the exchange experience!

Can't wait to see the recycling project, LOL! Your yard is going to be gorgeous by spring time :-)

cucki said...

Aww I am feeling so happy here that you loved my humble gift :)
Sending you big hugs x

Linda said...

What lovely gifts you have received April. Looking forward to seeing your new bushes.


Wendy S. said...

Goodies! Gotta love the goodies! And to come all the way from South Africa...Wow! =)

ricketyjo said...

Wow! What gorgeous things! It's exciting to get a parcel from far away, especially when it looks as lovely as this! :)