Monday, July 18, 2011

Stash Swap Received!!!

 This came in the mail Today !!!
 Look at all these goodies. I am in the Group Samplermakers. We did a Stash Swap. Something that you would stitch, then you gather supplies up and mail out to your partner.  Sandy was my partner. Great chart by The Workbasket, Quaker Acorn. I love the GA and WDW threads.  I always love linen. Her note was so funny! She included some Fall Stickers and needles. She is from Georgia. It is as hot there, as it is in Alabama. She sent Fall stuff!! Boy, will she be surprised when she opens mine!!  It is a Cold Season!!  We must both have cooler temps on our mind!!  lol I am ready to get to stitching on Fall & Winter stuff !!  Thanks Sandy!!
 This is some fabric I got at Hancocks. It is off their $1.00 a Yard table.  Recycle and the other 5 prints are travel places, - M' Liss - Houston, Hollywood, Hong Kong, London, and Las Vegas.
Now if I can find a VW Van like this to start traveling in, I will be so happy!  I may make it to Las Vegas, Hollywood, and Houston. I will not be able to go to Hong Kong or London... Hubby does not do Boats or Planes.... Just my luck!!  MEN !!!!   urghhh   lol
Take care and keep cool out there!!


Catherine said...

Great swap! Aren't those vans the greatest!!

Teresa said...

Love your fabric finds. We had a VW bus camper growing up and we traveled all over the US in it, very slow but we got there.
Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches

Anonymous said...

What a lovely swap package, April! And I am loving those fabbies; why can't I ever find those kinda deals??!! LOL!

I love anything vintage VW, and that minibus is awesome...I can just see yours would be covered with flower power, wouldn't it?? LOL...

Enjoy your swap goodies (can't wait to see it stitched up)...

Happy Stitchin'

Eggs In My Pocket said...

Wonderful swap! I saw a volkswagon like this for sale the other even had cute curtains hanging in the back!

Siobhán said...

What a fun swap! My neighbor has a VW van like that--it's either his or his employee's van--and they have flowers and little sayings painted on it.

Enjoy your weekend. Stay cool!

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Oooooooo! Pretty stuff!
I love that VW too! I would love to have one like that. Wonder what the gas mileage is??
xx, shell

Pumpkin said...

Lovely swap! Nice fabric too :o)

I think those VW vans are so neat. That one is in great shape!

TinaTx said...

Great swap package!
Love the VW bus - my dad has a 67 bug he is redoing at the moment. I thought about buying it when he is finished but I kinda like the newer ones - you know, the ones with a/c!