Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Birthday & Blog Anniversary Giveaway

Today is my 46th Birthday and Friday is starting my 3rd year to Blog !! So therefore, I am having a giveaway !  All you have to do is leave a comment that you want to be entered.  Come Sunday Night I will draw a name from the pot and notify the winner.  It is that easy!!  This is just some of the things:

La-D-Da's Sweet By & By,  Blackbird Designs - May Flowers, because it is May. and a 13.5 X 18 piece of 28 count Sandstone Linen.
I am also including these goodies.... 28 count White Evenweave, An American Freebie from Prairie Schooler, and 2 pieces of fabric. One is Republican and the other is Democrat.  Is great for making something for the upcoming Election in 2012.   I will be adding stuff day by day. So keep checking back to see what will go in the winning package. 

Don't forget to just leave a comment.. Anyone can enter!  Just be sure that I have a way through email to contact the winner !!!   GOOD LUCK !!!


Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri Malinovich) said...

First, Happy Birthday to you!!! I hope you had a wonderful day and that your 46th year brings you lots of great experiences, smiles and stitching. Congratulations on your blog anniversary, too! I would love to be entered in your celebratory giveaway! Thank you.

re'New said...

It was my birthday just the other day... so I should win ! :) LOL LOL

Carol R said...

Happy Birthday. This is my first visit to your blog - I will be back for future visits.

Sherry said...

Looks like I am the first to comment. I love your giveaway! Happy Birthday and happy blog anniversary. I have not done any La D Da designs but have done Blackbird designs. Thanks for the chance to win.

Karen said...

Happy Birthday! Hope you have had a great day... looks like you have a great giveaway too. Congrats on your blogiversary....

happy stitching....

Teresa said...

What a fun give away would love a chance to win.
Teresa's heartfelt Stitches

Ellen said...

Happy Birthday and Blogoversary! Have an enjoyable birthday and a great year ahead!

Sure would love to enter your giveaway, thank you.


Myra said...

Happy Birthday and Blogaversary too! I hope you had a really special day. I would love to be entered in your giveaway and hope to be reading your blog for many more years.

Parsley said...

FUN FUN FUN!!! I'd love to be entered! Thanks so much!

Shannon said...

I hope you have a wonderful birthday! Also congrats on the blog anniversary! :) I would love to enter your giveaway.

Catherine said...

Happy Birthday! And congrats on three years too! Thanks for the great give away!

Nancy said...

Happy Birthday and Blogversary! I would love to be entered in your giveaway! Thanks!

Amy said...

Happy Happy Birthday! Please enter me. Thanks for the fun.
Amy for OK

amyfrazier @ hotmail.com

Nan said...

Happy Birthday! Congrats on 3 years of blogging. Hope you get lots of nice stash for you birthday!

Sweet Sue said...

Wishing you a very Happy and wonderful Birthday! Plz let my entry go to another, just wanted to pop in and say hi:)

natalysneedle said...

Happy Birthday and Happy Bloggiversary!! I would love to be entered in this lovely giveaway!

Patty C. said...

Lovely Giveaway - Count me in & HAPPY BIRTHDAY !! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Today is my birthday as well. Decided I need another giveaway, but life just gets too hectic so mine will have to be late.

I would love to be entered in your giveaway.


Peggy H.

stormybrew57 said...

Happy Birthday to you and your blog! I always enjoy reading your stories and seeing your beautiful stitching.Please enter me in your giveaway. Thank You, Beth N. (stormybrew57@aol.com)

Deborah said...

Happy Birthday and Blogaversary! Hope that you had a great day. Thanks for having a wonderful giveaway.

Siobhán said...

Happy birthday!! Love the giveaway but I'll pass on it as I have the charts already. :)

Anonymous said...

Yesterday was my birthday as well! Happy belated one. I hope I win!

Peggy H.

TinaTx said...

Happy (belated) birthday! And congrats on the blog anniversary!

Joy said...

Hope you had a wonderful birthday!!! Please count me in for your giveaway!

Ranae said...

Happy Birthday!!! yesterday,, sorry I missed seeing this late
Happy blogoversary too and many many more.
I would love to enter your fun give-away

Pamela said...

Happy belated Birthday! Hope you had a wonderful day! I would love to enter your giveaway. Thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said...

Well, my goodness...sorry I am so late with the birthday and blogaversary greetings!! But, I hope you had a wonderful birthday with lots of love and best wishes. And what a generous giveaway to celebrate your blogaversary...such beautiful things you have already selected.

No need to include my name; I have been blessed to win a few giveaways recently, so I will let others have a chance at this one...Good luck to everyone!!

Happy Birthday & Blogaversary my friend!!

Happy Stitchin'

yorkie mom said...

Happy Birthday and congrats on your blog. Very beautiful! gougeonathome@charter.net (Allison)

yorkie mom said...

Happy birthday! beautiful blog! Thanks for the chance.. gougeonathome@charter.net

Marcia W. said...

Happy Birthday Month! Your giveaway is very generous - thanks for the opportunity to visit your blog and the 2 years of work you've spent. I look forward to the third year (I usually lurk and look).

Wagapapa said...

Happy belated birthday!
I would like to be enter in your great giveaway, thanks for the chance.
I'm also hosting a giveaway (mine is very little) because yesterday was my birthday: http://wagapapacreations.blogspot.com/
A big hug from Bilbao,

Noemi (mimideusto@gmail.com)

Patti said...

Happy Birthday! And Happy Blogaversary, too!
What a fun giveaway! Please enter me...
Blessings, Patti

Cole said...

Happy belated Birthday and Happy Blogoversary!! I would love to be added for a chance to participate in your giveaway :) Thanks!

Denise said...

Hope you had a super birthday! Please include me in your amazing giveaway.
Thanks and have a wonderful weekend...

Juels said...

Awww, it's so nice when blogger works. Happy Birthday to you and your blog!! And thank you for such a fun giveaway!

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Happy! Happy! Happy! Birthday!!!! Sorry I'm late! Dag, blogger was so naughty this week!
Hope your day was perfect in every way!
xx, shell

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday...Happy Birthday to you!!!
I would love to win a "piece" of the cake!! :)

Unknown said...

Happy birthday or would that be blogoday. Anyway thanks for sure a cute and wonderful giveaway. I would like to be represented in that drawing. Oh, and the mouse we have one that keeps eating the stuff and we never catch him. Some day he will be mine. LOL