Sunday, February 27, 2011

Signs of Spring

Does anyone know what these are? They are all along the tree line around our homestead... They are under the shrubs... Are they Snow Drops? They are white bell shaped flowers with green dots.. So pretty. They are in the shade, not in the sun.

I picked these today. Smell so strong... May have to sit them outside, if I start sneezing. lol I added the purple Hynacinth Flowers. They are also growning in yard.

The Daffodils line the road.I am looking up the hill from the house. Lovely view of those yellow cable covers.. lol Hoping to plant grass in this area that was the old place. Thanks for looking at spring around my house.

PS... We also have a bunny.. I seen him the other night. Brown Jack Rabbit. He was fat too... Till later.....


Mary said...

The spring flowers are so lovely! A sure sign that it won't be long!

Daffycat said...

I think your flowers my be Snowflakes. Although, I think some do call them Snowdrops. See link:

I love Daffodils. Every Autumn I swear I will plant some but I never get around to it!

Rachel S-H said...

I don't know what they are, but they're pretty. I always think of daffodils as a promise winter is ending.

Jane said...

They're pretty snowdrops and we have the same poking through underneath our holly tree which is also in the shade. The daffodils are lovely and whether they're a photo or the real thing they give such a great feeling and hopefully some much needed sunny days xxx

re'New said...

Yes please, Mechelle, please send me some warm??? It was c o l d here today. Wind blowing up a ground blizzard, drifting in the roads again. The snow is still over the fences and it's a long way til 'green up' here! I can't even remember what 80 feels like!

Eggs In My Pocket said...

Not sure what the pretty white flowers are......but don't you think, white flowers surely brighten up a garden? I used to think that only flowers with colors of yellow, red and pink were good, but discovered how white can change a whole look to a flower bed. Love your cheery flowers. blessings,Kathleen

Anonymous said...

Lucky you to have such wonderful signs of spring! The snowdrops are usually the first sign of milder weather. Can't wait for the signs of spring to get to NY!