Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I have over 100 followers. Yea ! I am going to do a giveaway! Here are some of the items! The new chart for With Thy Needle & Thread/ Brenda - Love Filled Heart, a new chart by Silver Creek Samplers - Live Within Your Harvest, 1 package of 28 Count Antique White Evenweave and more things... I just have not got this put together yet . We are own our way to mom's to get in her attic and get whatever critter is in the traps we set the other night. Yes, I do feel like Billy The Exterminator ! Raeanne still has her smell going on at her house.. Not as bad... Mom called Sunday night and said she thinks she has a critter in the attic... Something had chewed through her ceiling that night.. We think it is a squirrel.. I told her it just wanted to make his own central heat duct work... She said she didn't want that thing falling out of the ceiling onto her while she is sleeping... I can understand that. lol So brave hubby put 2 traps in her attic. She called tonight.. Said she had a banging noise in the attic. WE GOT IT !!!!
So, we will jump in the Pest Mobile and head to Childersburg !!! I guess that multi grain bread with peanut butter & topped with 2 pecans did the trick !!!
I got sidetracked... About the giveaway... Just leave a comment on this post. That you want to be entered. I will have the drawing Sunday Afternoon. Anyone can enter! If you don't have a blog.. Just leave an email address that I can contact you. There will be more stuff added I will show another picture tomorrow. Till tomorrow....
1/27 critter update !!! It was a squirrel!!! We relocated him to our house in the counrty.. So it is city squirrel comes to the country!! Been with grandkids all day. I will post more giveway tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

I get to be the first. Good luck everybody! May the best man (woman) win!

Peggy H.

Natasha said...

Oh no.. critters in the attic no fun. We had a family of raccons living UNDER or house they were SO loud every night. The dogs wanted to attack them so they both kept us up. I cant wait to hear what ya'll caught up there.

I am trying to follow your blog but for some reason it does not add my photo or my blog :( It just adds a blank picture. tahts not what I look like LOL

basketsnprims said...

April, I would love to be entered in your fabulous giveaway. thank you so much.

Parsley said...

I'd love to be entered. Congrats on the blog success. I always enjoy reading yours.

Carissa said...

Ooo, I'd love to be entered in your giveaway! I've always wanted to try from With My Needle and Thread.

Hope you were able to clear out the critters!

Mary said...

Congratulations - 100 followers is a big deal!

Please enter me in you generous giveaway.

Mary in MN

Deborah said...

Congrats on your 100 followers! love reading youor blog. Thanks for having a very generous giveaway.

jayne@~an eye for threads~ said...

How generous of you April. I would love to be entered into your 100 Follower Giveaway.
Be always in stitches.

Bonnie said...

Critters in the house are no fun. We had a mouse crawl into our heat duct under the house and die. It was awful for about a week. There was no way to find the varmint. I hope it never happens again.
I love the new charts and would love a chance to win.

Unknown said...

I would like to be entered into your drawing. I am one of those 100 followers that you counted. Good luck on critter hunting we are doing that ourselves something is driving our cats crazy either that or they are in love with the appliances.

It's A Southern Thing said...

hey girl ... you didn't tell us if it was a squarrel or a racoon ... tell my brother hello ... and BTW I'm not entering your blog give away just posting ... talk later

Sharlotte said...

Congrats on the 100 followers! Took me for-ever to get there! :) Yes, please, enter me in this fabulous giveaway!!

Anonymous said...

I would love to enter your fabulous giveaway!!! Thank you! Love reading your blog.

natalysneedle said...

April, I would love to enter your giveaway. I have been admiring that With Thy Needle design. Congrats on reaching your goal of 100 followers.

Carol said...

I would love to be entered in your giveaway. I love, love, love both of those charts.

Sampler Farm

Anonymous said...

Gongratulations...and please enter me in this sweet little giveaway!

Hope you catch those pesky little varmits!! LOL!

Happy stitchin'

Jodie said...

Congrats on all the followers!! I'd love to be entered!

wranglerkate said...

Hello Mechelle - I love reading your blog. Thanks so much for sharing with the rest of us!! Congratulations on 100 followers. Please enter me in your drawing. Hope 2011 is a great year for you and your family. I don't have a blog - my email address is Thanks again! Kate

Pumpkin said...

How exciting! Congratulations April :o) Please add my name. I'm a Follower! Thanks.

Mary Anne said...

Love your blog. I've been inspired to stitch more - including making a resolution to finish 12 of my unfinished projects this year. Wish me luck and please enter me in the contest!

Nan said...

Congratulations on having 100 followers! Its such a great feeling to have people to share your love of stitching with.

I'd love to be entered in your drawing!

Mary said...

I'd love to be entered in the giveaway. Congrats on 100 followers!

Joy said...

What a wonderful give away...enter me please...without the squirrel!!! LOL

Sherry said...

Congratulations on over 100 followers. I noticed you are stitching some Blackbird designs, I love those patterns. I would love to be entered in your giveaway.

Rebekka said...

A squirrel, huh? Sounds like Tanya needs to send you her bird food pilfer squirrel, too. LOL I like squirrels, but they need to stay in the garden.

Have you made progress on AOTH? I'm looking forward to an update. I am trying to be a good girl, and work only on existing WIP's, but this series is very tempting. :) I know I'll stitch it eventually, but I need to lower my teetering WIP pile first.

Please enter me in your giveaway. You're so sweet to let us celebrate with you. Congratulations on 100 followers. You had 107, and then I just made it 108. ;)

Hope you have a great weekend.

Stitchinowl said...

Congratulations on having 100 followers! Please include me in your lovely giveaway. I enjoy reading your blog. You don't have a dull life - you have an interesing one!

Jo Ann said...

Please enter me in your lovely give away. I love your blog and love the new pattern by Brenda. I have no blog so my email is Thanks so much. Jo Ann