Hmmmm..... I am sitting here looking at the screen, thinking.... What do I have to say today? Hmmmm..... I write and comment on my Facebook Page.. That is easy. There is a lot I can comment about. Friends are all the time emailing or commenting to the things put on FB. I can interact with them, have laughs, IM each other, and listen to One Friend says nothing but negative things... That is what is bothering me.
This person can only comment about how great her child is! Gets involved in her child's Teen Drama, Says negative things about her life, if it is not going HER way. She talks about her child's friends on FB, in a bad way. She is an adult and these are teenagers. I tell myself It is HER. I am going axe this Friend off MY FB today. I know, she will notice it. But I am sure it will not bother her... I don't want to read her comments anymore. They seem to make me grit my teeth every time I read them. So... I will do the good thing and not read them anymore! I need Rainbows and Sunshine!!! Not Doom & Gloom! LOL
Sorry for a melt down. Hubby says don't give it a second thought. DELETE ! Don't you wish we could hit a DELETE button on some things in our life and that would make them go away for ever. But we can't. That is how we learn things and lessons in our life. That is what makes us ... US Can you tell it is cloudy and rainy today? LOL
I will not bore you any longer. I will go back to stitching on Ghostly. I have to wait on Hubby to watch Dark Shadows. He has gotten bit by The Barnabas Bug!! LOL He is addicted now. He doesn't know that there are upteen zillion episodes...
Sorry for the gloomy post... This weekend will be better! Have a great Weekend everyone !
Till later......
You sometimes just have to vent and DELETE negativity in your life. That's okay and healthy for you to do.
Ahhhh Mechelle I am going through something so similar only this "friend" only talks about herself, her problems and why it's my problem to solve her problems. LOL
I'm getting to old to be a doormat for anyone that doesn't put in a relationship the same tings I do.
I think it comes down to certain people just NEVER LEAVE HIGH SCHOOL!!!
And please never be sorry for anything you post when it comes to your feelings. You deserve to vent!!!
I have learned (albeit the hard way) that you HAVE to hit the "delete" for your very own sanity. And - it's OKAY to hit the "delete" because you and your family come FIRST! Life is so hard... drama so unnecessary...
Smile - I'm smilin' back at you - and I hope your whole week-end is a happy HAPPY one!!!
:-D robelyn
I hope things are better soon. A great line from a movie whose name I can't recall thanks to the wine I had at dinner says "sometimes you have to know when to cut a man loose." Hard, but must be done sometimes. It's okay.
Getting rid of all the negative around you is best for the mind, body and soul. Delete is right. I have a hard time with FB as I really don't care if someone just got their car washed. There are people that are on that thing all day talking about what they just ate or did. Is their life so boring that this is all they can do. They don't go out and "live."
Blogs are more fun because you can visit the people you want to visit and you know they will fill you up with happy. :)
xx, shell and sugie bunny
This is one of the reasons i won't join FB, and i agree with everything Michelle May said.
just hit delete and forget about i say :-)
I just found your blog and read some of your posts. Funny, and true. I too wish I had a delete button for those things in life that bug me.
Life is much too short to have negativity. And it is much more fun when we can smile about the funny things that happen.
I had forgotten how much I loved Barnabas in Dark Shadows. I used to watch it when it first came out!
LOL, AM--I know some women who are overly involved in their teenagers' lives. They tell me all about the daughter or son's boyfriends/girlfriends and they are all upset about this or that thing going on and I'm thinking, hmmm, lady, you aren't nearly as interested in your own life as you are in your son's?
Hide 'em and then create a filter where they can't see your wall if you can't delete them because it would cause drama. That's what I do. lol
I have had to burn some bridges in my own life and I am glad and better off for it. Stick with the positive! xx
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