These Valentine's are 45 years old. They were sent to me in the year 1966 from cousins, Fritz, Donna, Andrea, and Todd. The squirrel one is from Fritz. The Merry Go Around one is from Donna. The duck one is from Andrea. The Teacher Valentine is from Todd. I don't think cousin Todd liked me to much. Of course, he was not even a year old then.. It is a Teacher Valentine!! lol My mom passed these on to me this past year. They were all still in the envelopes they came in.
I did not notice at first, that the Valentine from Todd was a Teacher one till tonight... I have been giggling about it all night. I guess you can say I am a teacher... I was always a daredevil and always did things before he did. He is only 8 months older than me. I started by teaching him to slide down the high Big slide at the family reunion when we were very young.. He was in front of me and would not slide. I started kicking him to make him let go and slide.. From what relatives say, he was screaming and I was just a kicking... lol I am not going into the bicycle-Hoppity Hop incident from an earlier post. I was trying to show him how to ride that new bike... He did not have to take it out on me... lol So, I guess I was teaching..
What makes the top 2 special is they signed them. Fritz wrote his name on the back and has my name on the outside of the envelope. Donna did some kind of scribble... lol Aunt Gloria wrote her name under it so I would know who it was from.. like a 9 month would know how to read !! I love it !!! I have had a great time looking at these and remembering times... We are a close family and I hope will we always stay this way. That brings me to Joshua and Zoe's card to Poppa and me !!
Josh loves to glue !! Josh and his mom made the construction paper Valentine, so that he could glue and use Glitter glue... lol That scribble after the Happy Valentine's Day is his name he wrote.. Mom had to write Josh with an arrow. lol That way we would know... The back is real funny!!!
That friends is a heart !!! lol He is a great artist! I am sure his mom handled the cutting with the scissors. She bought him those scissor that small children will not be able to cut themselves last year well... they might not cut skin but, they sure will cut hair... The lady who cuts his hair could not even fix it. He just had to let it grow out.. No scissors for him ! Here is a picture of him and Zoe ( sister) riding a tub down the hill in the snow we had the other day.. No tubs were hurt in the making of this fun.
I hope they will stay as close and loving as they are now. Brother and Sister sharing a ride!
Hope everyone has a Great Valentine's Day !!! I know I will with my family!! Till later....
What fun Valentines!! But I have to tell ya, the photo of the kiddo's riding in the plastic bucket is priceless! Oh my gosh that is so darn cute!!
Happy Valentines Day girlfriend!
xx, shell
Loved looking at the old Valentine's from my era! LOL
Happy Valentine's Day!
You are so lucky to have those Valentine cards from your childhood!
What a find a have a Valentine my grandmother sent me over fifty years ago and I treasure it.
That is so great that you still have those Valentine's!!! What a treasure.
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