I have been waiting 3 years to find this chart. I won it tonight on eBay. I little over 10.00 with shipping. Not bad... Usually goes for over 20.00. I know.. I have been waiting for 3 years. I will not pay over $12.00 for a chart. This chart was originally 6.00. Now If I could find that chart Acorns # 65.

Been looking for this one for 3 years too. It is on ebay right now for over 30.00. Out of my price range. I am just wanting to stitch the Crow & Pumpkin and Squirrel Acorns. If there is a good Stitching Friend out there that would let me borrow their chart to stitch 2 designs.. I would take special care and mail right back by tracking the package. I take special care of all cross stitch charts...
I need to go pay bills online... Till Later...
I've never seen either of those charts before but I LOVE them!!!! Especially the pumpkin :o) Good luck finding the second one. I wish I could help.
Oh I love that chart and I have never seen it either. Good luck on finding the other one. I'll keep my eyes open for you.
I have not seen this chart before but I am with you...it is a really great chart!!! Maybe we could make a trade or something so I could stitch that owl....Just fell in love with it! lol Blessings, Dianntha
Beautiful chart! Congratulations on your win! 3 years...oh my...girlfriend you've got great patience! :)
Great score on Ebay. I'm glad that you finally found it. Wish I could help you on the acorns, but I don't have that one. Hopefully you'll find it before another three years go by.
Neat charts! I can't wait to see the ones you will stitch for your Halloween tree.
if I had known how high that pumpkin one went, I wouldn't have sold mine for $5. I will keep my fingers crossed for you.
Congrats on finally nabbing one of your chart! Love the acorns. Wish I had to share with ya. :)
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